Clinic Policy

Welcome to Halsa. Our goal is to serve you with exceptionally friendly and prompt service and to provide the best family health care available. In return, you will receive restored health.

Your Appointments:
In our experience, clients who keep to their recommended care schedule gain the best results. Our main aim is to ensure that recommendations for your care are followed so you can achieve the maximum benefits for your health. If for any reason you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please call us with 24 hours’ notice so that another person may benefit. As a part of your care plan, you have agreed to a schedule of care, and we are committed to helping you maintain this schedule. If you miss an appointment for any reason, you will be contacted within 5 minutes to ensure we can still accommodate you if you are running late or to make sure you are ok. If we are unable to contact you, follow up calls will be made to you to reschedule your appointment and keep you on track. If an appointment is missed without giving 24 hours’ notice the company reserves the right to charge you for the missed appointment. Broken appointments should be made up within 24 hours. If for any reason you do not wish to be followed up, please be sure to let us know. To help your practitioner, please remove necklaces and earrings and anything from your pockets. We also ask that you turn your mobile phones onto silent when entering the clinic.

Children/Family Care:
Once you understand how the nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body and subluxation interferes with nerve flow, we would like to offer for you to have your family checked.

As a client of the Hälsa, you are entitled to a complimentary assessment with one of our Therapists/Chiropractors.If you feel one of your loved ones could benefit from care, please let us know at the front desk so we can arrange for them to have a discounted assessment.

Payment is requested at the time of your visit. No negative accounts are held. Many people choose to take advantage of our pre-payment programme. We offer a more cost-effective option if you choose to pay and make appointments in advance. If you have the desire to receive care in our clinic, we will make every attempt to make affordable arrangements.

Clinical Correspondence/Contact:
At certain points during your care the clinic may attempt to contact you regarding policy changes, your care plan, diary or staff changes, special occasions or events. These forms of contact will usually take place via email, phone or post. Your personal information will not be shared with outside companies. If the clinic is requested to provide information to any third parties (insurance companies, medical professionals) your written consent is required.

In this office we will maintain your privacy, dignity and confidentiality at all times. If for any reason you wish to have a private discussion with your practitioner, please advise the front desk to make arrangements for you.

Care Excellence:
Your practitioner will occasionally be out of the clinic to attend seminars and conferences to further his/her education. To help you progress on schedule another highly qualified practitioner will be here to care for you in their absence. It is important to continue care during this time to ensure you receive the best results.

Spinal correction and healing take time. If you do not feel satisfied with your body’s response, please make an appointment to discuss this with your practitioner. We want you to get the most from your care.