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How to maintain your spinal health in between your Chiropractic visits

How to maintain your spinal health in between your Chiropractic visits:

Here are some tips and tricks from our Chiropractors of what to do in between your Chiropractic visits:

1. Practice good posture:

Think about and be mindful about your posture while sitting, standing, and walking this will reduce strain on your spine.

2. Practice stress management:

We all know that when one is stressed it can cause muscle tension which may cause back pain. Life is so fast paced so try to slow things down by practicing things such as breathing techniques, meditation and some mindful stretching. There are some really good apps out there which can help in your mindfulness journey: Insight timer, Headspace and many more.

3. Take a look at your work environment:

Are you constantly sitting at a desk? Take a look at investing in ergonomic furniture such as a sit/stand desk and a comfortable chair. Some of us spend more time at work than we do at home. Make sure that you are taking care of your spine.

4. Stay hydrated:

Drinking water and staying hydrated is so important. One should be drinking at least 2 litres a day ! Drinking water helps keep our discs in our spine happy and hydrated.

5. Stay active:

Make sure you are exercising regularly. Try and meet your 10 000 step goal everyday. Staying active allows us to strengthen all the muscles which help support our spine. Staying active does not always have to be going to the gym, it can also be an afternoon walk, cleaning the house etc.

6. Lift properly:

When lifting heavy objects, bend your knees and keep your back straight to avoid straining your spine.

7. Take breaks:

If you are behind a computer all day, sitting at a desk, make sure you are taking regular breaks. Make sure to do some stretches and move around. This will prevent stiffness in your spine.

These are only a few tips which you can follow, speak to your practitioner about what else you can do to assist you in the time between your Chiropractic visits.

These tips will also support the benefits of chiropractic care for overall wellness.